Healthcare Innovation

Healthcare AI Comparison

October 3, 2023
Healthcare AI Comparison

We have compared Microsoft 365 Copilot, OpenAI Enterprise and BastionGPT as the top healthcare compliant solutions to help our users make more informed decisions. We have not included solutions that utilize lower quality AI than GPT-4, that aren’t yet on the market, or that don’t offer HIPAA compliance.

Microsoft 365 Copilot information was taken from its publicly posted feature and pricing information. Pricing of $62 per user per month is based on the $30 monthly Copilot license fee. However, Copilot can only be purchased if the account also has a sufficient license, of which E3 is the lowest priced at $32 per month. The purchase of Copilot requires a minimum purchase of 300 licenses. This information was taken from published information from Microsoft and is accurate as of this publication.

OpenAI Enterprise information was taken from its publicly posted information. However, OpenAI does not officially post pricing information as of this article’s publication. As such, we have utilized 3rd party pricing information posted on the internet, which indicates a $100,000 minimum annual commitment and a common $250/user cost.

BastionGPT information was sourced from official feature and pricing information on their website.