Healthcare Innovation

Top Use Cases for Generative AI in Healthcare

August 27, 2024
Top Use Cases for Generative AI in Healthcare

BastionGPT has helped thousands of healthcare professionals elevate their patient care and regain time in their day to better care for patients and their own mental well-being. We regularly check in with our customers to better understand their service use. As a part of that, we are happy to share the most valuable and common use cases with our community.

As a versatile, healthcare-focused, HIPAA-compliant, and intelligent assistant, BastionGPT offers many applications that can significantly enhance productivity, creativity, and decision-making processes in the healthcare sector. Please note that while BastionGPT has taken steps to reduce the errors that generative AI occasionally produces, all output generated by any generative AI (such as ChatGPT, BastionGPT, Microsoft Copilot, Gemini or Anthropic Claude) must be reviewed by a healthcare professional before being shared directly with patients or being used in any manner which could cause harm. Also, ensure you are only using HIPAA-compliant services when you are entering patient data into your prompts or file uploads. For more information about our ethical AI standards and requirements, please see our AI Principles.

1. Healthcare Communication and Summarization


A doctor needs to summarize a patient's medical history and current treatment plan for a referral letter. BastionGPT can draft the necessary information into a concise, professional document, ensuring all relevant details are included.


• Create clear and concise patient notes.

• Summarize medical records and lab results.

• Draft referral letters and treatment plans.

Detailed Example:

A pediatrician uses BastionGPT to draft a letter to a specialist, summarizing a young patient's history of asthma, current medications, recent symptoms, and previous test results. The AI ensures that all critical information is communicated effectively, facilitating better-coordinated care.

2. Creative Writing and Content Generation in Healthcare


A healthcare marketing team needs engaging content for a new wellness program. BastionGPT can generate creative and compelling marketing content, including program descriptions, social media posts, and blog articles.


• Generate creative content such as stories, poems, and marketing copy.

• Brainstorm ideas and refine drafts.

• Ensure content aligns with the desired tone and style.

Detailed Example:

A healthcare organization uses BastionGPT to draft a series of blog posts about mental health awareness. The AI generates detailed and engaging descriptions of various mental health topics, complete with tips and resources, helping to attract and engage readers.

3. Research and Data Analysis in Healthcare


A researcher needs to conduct a literature review on the impact of social media on mental health. BastionGPT can process numerous academic articles and summarize key findings, saving the researcher valuable time.


• Synthesize complex information and generate summaries.

• Assist in literature reviews and data interpretation.

• Create research reports and highlight key insights.

Detailed Example:

A graduate student uses BastionGPT to summarize findings from multiple studies on the effects of exercise on mental health. The AI compiles the results into a cohesive report, highlighting trends, significant data points, and areas needing further research, aiding the student in writing a comprehensive thesis.

4. Customer Support and Interaction in Healthcare


A healthcare provider needs to improve its patient communication by providing quick and accurate responses to inquiries. BastionGPT can draft personalized replies to patient emails, resolve common issues, and follow up with additional information.


• Generate quick and accurate responses to patient inquiries.

• Handle common patient service issues.

• Draft follow-up emails and communications.

Detailed Example:

A medical clinic uses BastionGPT to draft patient inquiries about appointment scheduling, test results, and medication information. The AI generates personalized responses, ensuring that each patient receives timely, friendly and accurate information, enhancing overall patient satisfaction.

5. Business and Administrative Tasks in Healthcare


A hospital administrator needs to generate a summary of a recent staff meeting and create an action plan. BastionGPT can draft a detailed meeting summary, highlighting key points and assigning tasks to team members.


• Draft professional emails and reports.

• Generate meeting summaries and action plans.

• Automate routine administrative tasks.

Detailed Example:

A hospital executive uses BastionGPT to draft a quarterly report for stakeholders. The AI compiles data from various departments, summarizes achievements, outlines challenges, and presents future goals, ensuring a comprehensive and professional presentation.

6. Legal Document Preparation in Healthcare


A legal assistant in a healthcare organization needs to draft a summary of a case for an attorney. BastionGPT can generate a detailed and well-organized case summary.


• Draft legal documents and case summaries.

• Summarize legal research and findings.

• Generate client correspondence and reports.

Detailed Example:

A paralegal uses BastionGPT to draft a summary of a patient's case, including key facts, legal issues, and relevant case law. The AI ensures that the summary is clear, concise, and professionally written, aiding the attorney in preparing for court.

7. Financial Analysis and Reporting in Healthcare


A financial analyst in a healthcare organization needs to create a report on quarterly earnings. BastionGPT can draft a comprehensive financial report, including data analysis, trends, and projections.


• Generate financial reports and summaries.

• Analyze financial data and trends.

• Draft investor communications and presentations.

Detailed Example:

A financial advisor uses BastionGPT to draft a quarterly earnings report for a healthcare organization. The AI analyzes the financial data, identifies key trends, and provides a clear and detailed summary, helping the advisor communicate effectively with stakeholders.

8. Event Planning and Management in Healthcare


An event planner in a healthcare organization needs to create a detailed plan for an upcoming health fair. BastionGPT can draft an event plan, including the schedule, budget, and vendor information.


• Generate event plans and schedules.

• Draft vendor communications and contracts.

• Summarize event details and logistics.

Detailed Example:

An event planner uses BastionGPT to draft a comprehensive plan for a health fair. The AI includes a detailed schedule, budget breakdown, and vendor contact information, ensuring that all aspects of the event are well-organized and communicated effectively.

9. Patient Education Materials


A healthcare provider needs to create educational materials for patients with diabetes. BastionGPT can generate informative and easy-to-understand content, including brochures, handouts, and digital resources.


• Generate patient education materials.

• Summarize complex medical information in layman's terms.

• Create engaging and accessible content.

Detailed Example:

A diabetes educator uses BastionGPT to draft a series of brochures on managing diabetes. The AI generates clear and concise information on diet, exercise, medication management, and monitoring blood sugar levels, helping patients better understand and manage their condition.

10. Telehealth Communication and Documentation


A telehealth provider needs to maintain accurate and detailed records of virtual consultations. BastionGPT can draft detailed consultation summaries, including patient concerns, diagnoses, treatment plans, and follow-up recommendations.


• Draft consultation summaries and treatment plans.

• Maintain accurate and detailed telehealth records.

• Generate follow-up recommendations and patient communication.

Detailed Example:

A telehealth provider uses BastionGPT to draft a summary of a virtual consultation with a patient. The AI includes the patient's reported symptoms, the provider's observations, the diagnosis, and the recommended treatment plan, ensuring that the telehealth records are comprehensive and accurate.


BastionGPT is the most capable and secure generative AI on the market, which transforms how we approach documentation, communication, and creative endeavors in the healthcare sector. Its applications in healthcare communication, creative content generation, research, patient support, administrative tasks, legal documentation, financial analysis, event planning, patient education materials, and telehealth communication highlight its potential to drive efficiency and innovation across multiple domains. Subscribing to BastionGPT will unlock new levels of productivity and creativity, making it an essential tool for healthcare professionals.